Why Buying A Used Tesla Could Be The Best Eco-Friendly Adventure You Have Ever Had

Okay, let’s just dive right in – buy a second hand Tesla. Be sure to listen before you ask if i’m crazy. It’s not just about saving a few dollars (although that’s certainly a part of it): there are a whole host of benefits for those brave and willing to take the used route read more.

Let’s begin with cash. It’s a well-known fact that a car’s value drops as soon as it leaves the dealership. Teslas are no exception. The interesting thing is that if you purchase a pre-owned Tesla, you can skip the initial plunge. This will allow you to get more value for your money. This is like having someone else do the work for you. Thank you, kind strangers!

Mother Earth looks at us sideways every time she hears about fossil fuels. If you buy a Tesla second-hand, you’re hugging Mother Nature because not only are you reducing emissions, you’re saying no to the production of more stuff. We use less resources when we buy fewer new cars. The cars are eco-friendly but stylish, just like thrifting.

And there’s more. Teslas are renowned for their zip, zoom and guess what! The zip and zoom of Teslas doesn’t diminish with time. Teslas, on the other hand, are made to last.

Who can forget about the latest gadgets and gizmos. The Teslas with their technological upgrades are essentially smartphones on wheels. This is a cool feature because these updates occur over-the air. The good news is that your Tesla can still be taught new tricks, even after a few birthdays.

The used car pool may seem like a murky sea, especially if you’re looking at something as high tech as a Tesla. My advice: Do your research prior to making a purchase. You should check its history, just as you would an ex-girlfriend on social media.

Also, don’t overlook warranties. Make certain they are transferable in order to be covered in the case of any problems.

It’s a topic that is rarely discussed: the spirit of community. Tesla owners seem to be one big happy group (most of them). They offer tips on maximizing battery power to locating the best charging stations, all while enjoying lattes.

One more perk: Skip those annoying waiting times until Elon Musk releases new models from his futuristic factory. Since patience is not for everyone.

If you’re considering an EV, consider whether it fits your lifestyle. Are there charging stations available at your workplace or home? Great! Do you still live in the old days, without any place to plug into? Maybe you should ponder it a little bit more.

You now know my opinion on why purchasing a used Tesla might be your next great (or disastrous; life has a funny way of doing things). Remember: like shoes, the most comfortable pair can often be one that has been well-worn. Seattle can be anything, even sunny. The sonal is full of twists and turns, just like parking downtown Seattle late on Saturday night. Rain City has the people who will guide you with skill, safety and even humor through this journey.

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